Personal Cyber Protection

You are more connected than ever and criminals know the information accessed by your family is valuable. Criminals steal passwords, data, money and identities. Even worse than financial loss is the threat of cyberbullying and reputational harm. Family cyber protection helps you by guarding your loved ones from these dangers.

Central’s Personal Cyber Protection is a bundled coverage that protects families from losses such as compromised data on personal computers, mobile devices, and other connected home technology, and damage to software and operating systems. This coverage can be added to homeowners, renters, and condominium policies and covers the policyholder and household members.

Personal Cyber Protection combines coverage for:

  • Online extortion
  • Cyber bullying response
  • Identity theft
  • System compromise
  • Internet clean up
  • Breach cost

Central’s Personal Cyber Protection and Central’s Identity Fraud and Credit Monitoring Coverage are independent coverages that provide very different yet equally important protection. Contact your independent insurance agent to learn more about the specific cyber insurance coverages that Central’s Personal Cyber Protection provides.

The policy coverages described above are in the most general terms and are subject to the actual policy exclusions and conditions. For specific coverage details and policy exclusions, refer to the policy itself or contact a Central agent.